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Top 10 UX/UI tips & tricks to improve your designs

4 min read
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Perfecting your UX/UI design skills is key to creating products or services that your users will love. You can delight and impress your users with visually pleasing interfaces and a great user experience. We have prepared for you some awesome UX/UI tricks and tips that you can easily use to help you create aesthetic design solutions for your website, app or any other digital product.

1. Don’t be afraid to be creative

As we all know, first impressions are everything. The way something looks can be the difference between catching someone's attention or not. The same goes for reading material. If you want to ensure that your readers can easily find the information they need, using visual differentiation is key. This means using icons, bold text, different font sizes and other visual cues to give important content a distinctive look that makes it stand out from the rest. By doing this, you will help your users spot the information they need right away, saving them time and effort.

2. Use the right order for buttons

Users read from left to right. In the bad example, the user's eyes will read "Delete" first, then "Cancel," and then come back to "Delete" again. While in the good example, the user's eyes will read "Cancel" and then only "Delete." In this particular example, we can also say that "Delete" means moving forward, which is usually to the right, and "Cancel" means moving backwards, which is usually represented by going to the left.

3. Keep forms simple

Several eye-tracking studies have concluded that placing labels to the left of input fields requires more eye movement and increases the cognitive demand on users. It is much more user-friendly to put labels above input fields. If you ignore this advice and place labels to the left of the input fields anyway, make the labels right aligned.

4. Use consistent icons

When using icons in your designs, keep them consistent. Avoid mixing different styles. When using simple icons avoid mixing them with complex icons. When using outlined icons avoid mixing them with filled icons. Keeping icons consistent will make your designs look professional and aesthetic.

5. Make text style more appealing and readable

There are a few things you can do to make your headings and paragraphs look better and be more readable. You can experiment with white space, size, line-height, colour, weight, and letter spacing to achieve that beautiful aesthetic. It’s good practice to establish a good contrast between your headings and paragraphs. You can establish a good contrast by making your headings bolder and darker than your paragraph text. By doing that, your copy will be more readable. Be careful about not overdoing it. Your copy should be legible and easy to read. That's more important than how it looks. When playing with color, use contrast checker tools to make sure that you are compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Generally, you should aim to meet at least WCAG AA.

6. Create more engaging lists

Think outside the box to create the best possible user experience. Your lists can be visually exciting while still providing a great experience for users. In some cases, being too creative can actually hinder the user experience, so make sure that you're not being overly creative.

7. Improve password fields

When designing a component with password input, allow users to see the password they entered. You can place an eye icon to the right of the password and set the password to be revealed when the user clicks on it. Not allowing users to see the password is an irritating user experience, especially on mobile, and may increase the number of reset password requests.

8. Empty states are important too

Empty states are sometimes neglected in ux/ui design, but they may deliver significant commercial benefits and, when done well, lead to a more engaging user experience. Use creativity and strategic thinking when designing empty states and avoid dead-end empty states. Instead, give users advice, recommendations, or a call to action. You can include illustrations and icons as well, to complement your message and make use of the white space that is available.

9. Use text over images the right way

When designing components that contain text over a background image, it's important to consider component legibility when it's to be used at scale. For example, light text over a darker background image might look legible, but will it look legible when a lighter background image is used? Different scenarios should be considered, especially when dealing with user-generated content, to ensure that the component works well regardless of the background used. Assuming that you want the text to remain visible and legible against any image used, there are a few options you can employ. You can either place an overlay with a layer blur that compliments the image's tone or use a background blur.

10. Understand the difference between checkboxes, radio buttons, and toggles

Checkboxes vs radio buttons vs toggle switches. These are the three common types of selectors you can use in your ux/ui design. Radio buttons are used when only one option can be selected from a set of alternatives, while checkboxes are used when more than one option can be selected from a set of alternatives. Toggle switches are used when only one of two possible states (On/Off) can be selected.

There you have it. Implementing those small adjustments into your designs will improve user satisfaction with your product. When designing a user interface a good practice is to test your designs with your end users. You can do A/B testing to test your different design ideas and see how they compare. By doing that you might discover some new ux/ui design tricks and tips on your own.

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